About this project

Incredibly simple and fast ... goes anywhere!
- First get a Pocket Pan and a friend
- Next fill the Pocket Pan with paydirt
- Then simply Shake & Tilt until there is only gold
- Forever enjoy lifetime memories

Turn any outdoor activity into a gold adventure!
Sooooo simple ... Sooooo fast


Can you actually put it in your pocket?

Gold Claws new Game-Changing technology
- Traditional pans require years of experience
- With the Pocket Pan, no experience is needed
- The Pocket Pan uses Gold Claw DIGS technology
- Technology built into the pan catches gold for you
- Shaking the pan makes the paydirt flow out in a thin layer
- Features in the Pocket Pan catch the gold as the dirt flows out
The Pocket Pan is the newest addition to the innovative Gold Claw gold pans


How it Works:
Shaking and tilting under water puts just enough energy into the paydirt to make it gently flow out like a liquid (liquefaction). As the paydirt flows out of the Pocket Pan the gold is caughtby high-tech features engineered into the Pocket Pan.

Although designed for professionals, the real breakthrough is for people without experience panning gold. This technology creates a new paradigm for people who have always wanted to experience the magic that comes from finding gold. Now anyone can do it!

Design and Development:
I honestly thought that with the gold pan evolving over the ages that all good inventions had been patented by now. It turns out there were more inovations to be had.

In the past panning for gold was more technique than science. With Gold Claw, panning is now more science than technique. We went through exhaustive experimentation and prototyping.
Press release by whiteclouds: https://3dprint.com/148494/gold-claw-whiteclouds-design/

There are so many uses for the Pocket Pan
- Fits in your pockets on a jog or hike
- Goes in the glove box ready for any moment
- Small and very public friendly
- Perfect for crevassing and collecting paydirt in tight areas
- Light and extremely effective for finishing nasty black sands
- Works underwater and can be used while diving without surfacing
- Makes an awesome gift

[$16] >> Early Bird << 1 Pocket Pan
[$19] 1 Pocket Pan

[$24] >> Early Bird << 2 Pocket Pans
[$29] 2 Pocket Pans

[$49] 3 Pocket Pans + 1 Kit

[$49] 1 Pocket Pan + 1 Original + 1 Kit

Join in to help create memorable adventures for all.
Our goal at Gold Claw is for anyone to be able to experience the joy of catching gold and enter this amazing world.
We need your help to get the new Pocket Pan mold built and inventory made and shipped out to everyone.
Thank you for your help and interest in the amazing new Pocket Pan.
Please share this Kickstarter on Facebook, Twitter, and everywhere you can to help get the word out and make this possible.
Special thanks to all those who supported our earlier Kickstarter campaigns, you made all this possible. Without you all we would not have made it this far!

Risks and challenges
This is a low-risk project.
We are making a new mold and our mold maker is very good. The only significant risk is time. If something goes wrong during the process the tool maker will have to redo the defective part, slipping the schedule.
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